Tuesday 2 July 2013

Laung Lata


For the outer covering:

4-5 cup flour

2 Tbsp oil

Water, to knead

For the stuffing:

300 gm khoya

2 Tbsp sugar

2-3 tsp cardamom powder

A handful of roasted chironji seeds


For the sugar syrup:

1 cup water

1/2 cup sugar


For the stuffing:

In a wok/ kadhai add the khoya and keep stirring it on medium-low heat till its completely cooked out. This takes about 20-25 minutes. Take it off the heat and let it cool.

Add cardamom powder, chironji seeds, sugar. Mix it well.

The stuffing is ready.

To make the outer covering:

Knead the dough with oil and water till soft and elastic.

Make flat round rotis with this dough.

Stuff it with about 1- 1/2 Tbsp stuffing.

Fold it from two sides. Bring the other to sides together, making a loop and seal it with a  clove.

Deep fry them on medium heat, till golden. Drain them and let them cool.

Once cool, immerse them in the sugar syrup.

Serve warm.

For the sugar syrup:
Boil together the water and sugar till the sugar completely dissolves.

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