Tuesday 2 July 2013

Strawberry Cheesecake


  • For a 750 gm cake

    250 gm strawberries

    200 gm glucose biscuits

    3 tbsp melted butter

    3/4 cup sugar

    1 cup hung curd

    1 cup cream

    1 tbsp gelatin

     4 tbsp water

    6-8 fresh strawberries - for garnishing


Grind the biscuits and mix in the melted butter with it. Line the base of the serving dish evenly and smoothly with the biscuit mixture. Put in the freezer to set.

Puree the strawberries and sugar together in a mixie. Add the hung curd and cream, blend well to make a smooth mixture. Pour it into a bowl.

Add 4 tbsp of water in the gelatin. Then pour the gelatin slowly into the strawberry mixture. Keep stirring continuously.

Now pour the strawberry mixture onto the set biscuit base. Cover and put in the fridge to set overnight.

Garnish with sliced strawberries and serve cold.

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